It has been many years since I started this blog. I have taken a longer break than I intended. I supposed that statement is at the very core of life’s adventures. There are the plans we make, the futures we envision and strive towards, and then there are the unintended realities that actually comprise most of what we do, see, and become.
When I started this blog, I was living in a reclaimed and repurposed desert. Water was rerouted, plants were sown, and buildings raised out of the dust. I had the privilege for a space of time of dwelling in this city of dust and wonder with around 400,000 others. I loved that season. The struggle, joy, pain; and the adventure and the mundane.
I’m in a new season. Now I live in a reclaimed and repurposed swamp. Water was rerouted, plants were mown, and buildings raised out of the mud. Arguably the most powerful city in the world, it swells from 600,000 to 2.5 million every business day. I live within its boarders in the shadow of the powerful. So very may stories. So very much to be gleaned. Shall we continue this adventure and see where God leads?