Tuesday, October 31, 2006


I have found myself in an interesting place. If it were possible to be lost then that is where I am. In reality I am not lost but just at a loss. My eyes have darkened and I can’t see what is around me. I can’t see where to place my feet. Not only have I been striped of sight. But I have been striped of the rags that I held so dear. The garments that covered the nakedness of my health and strength, my independence and self-sufficiency have all been striped from me. In my sight they were ever so beautiful, shinny and strong. But they fell so easily as if they were mere Cray paper shreds. So I stand here in deep darkens. I wish with all my heart to pursue the enemy and recover all, but I can not see even him. And I have been striped of strength and boldness. My legs have been weakened and my lungs can no longer draw breath with the strength it would take to pursue.

The beautiful thing about loosing your sight is that your other senses are sharpened. I can hear the Lords voice whispering to my soul,

“Even the youths shall faint and be weary, And the young men shall utterly fall, But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.”

I know in a deep place that I am not lost. My nakedness is not covered by the darkness, but by the LORD. In this black place I know that in emptiness, in nakedness, and in weakness, I am possessed, by the greatest prize, the I AM.

This is a hard place. This is a beautiful place.